Flat Earth Delusion - The amount of crazy is . . . crazy
I was on Facebook and there it was a group “Flat Earthers in Christ”. (They passionately believe in the good book and everything it says literally. One of those things is in book of Job and it claims that the "Earth is Flat.")
Me being me, I joined this group and several others that advocate “Flat Earth” because I was curious what it is all about and I started reading their posts and what they believe in and "think". . . .
Man o man was I shocked by the things they believe and how passionate they are about it. I also had a great laugh. I mean, everyone has a right to their opinion, and theirs are simply crack pot, downright insane and laughable. Mind you, this is not an insult but a statement of fact based on the observation. (Something Flat Earthers know nothing about).
I am a man that knows a thing or two about science and the world we live in. I know how things work, I am curious and I try to learn something new every day and even though I am no Physics or Math Genius, I am not completely oblivious to the principles of motion and other Physical forces like gravity, (which Flat Earthers flat out deny that it exists). All I could say about this was . . .
Anyone with a shred of common knowledge knows that the Earth is a globe because it has been proven countless times in the last 500 years. It is a scientific fact like Evolution or Gravity. Even the Ancient Greeks knew that the Earth is a globe thanks to Pythagoras for crying out loud. However, some people simply need to feel important and they come up with conspiracy theories. Consequently also many people who suffer from certain delusional and paranoid conditions latch onto these crack pot ideas and one of them is this:
CIA started a "psyop" to brainwash humanity and make us think that the Earth is a globe and that ALL the evidence that supports the FACT that the Earth is a GLOBE was forged by NASA, Chinese Space Agency, European Space Agency, Russian Space Agency and ALL the world governments, even mortal enemies are cooperating in this conspiracy.
When I read this and learned how they rationalize their opinion I was just. . . .
I discovered that there are two types of “Flat Earthers”.
1. Religious Flat Earthers - Claim that the Earth is flat, surrounded by the "Ice Wall" because god made it so and because it says so in the bible. The devil wants us to think that our Earth is a globe.
2. Modern flat Earthers - Claim that the Earth is flat surrounded by "Ice Wall" to prevent water from spilling off the edge and "Globe Earth" is a conspiracy and they have the “Evidence” to prove it. (Which coincidentally are always you tube videos and “genuine photographs". Simple "Google Reverse Image - search" will reveal that those "genuine photographs" were "adjusted" to create the said “evidence”). For example:
Both groups have these things in common.
1. Strong case of “Cognitive Dissonance”. (It is a mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The concept was introduced by the psychologist Leon Festinger ((1919 – 1989 in the late 1950’s)). He and later researchers showed that when confronted with challenging information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information by convincing themselves that no conflict really exists).
2. Absolute rejection of any arguments and reason.
3. They deflect, ridicule, and “scream” how the rest of us are all brainwashed.
4. They repeat over and over that we need to research "Flat Earth" for ourselves. When we do and prove that their claims are preposterous to say the least they start behaving like little brats.
5. They use moronic mathematical and physics examples to support their claims, which were debunked countless times through centuries by hundreds of renowned physicists, mathematicians and scientist.
6. They claim that we live on a “Flat Disk”, under a "Dome"and that there is "Ice Wall" around this disk, which prevents water from spilling over the edge. The Sun and the Moon are above us only about 3583 miles.
7. That the "Ice Wall" is in Antarctica and that the “Antarctica Treaty” prevents anyone from going there and that the wall is heavily guarded. (The Antarctic Treaty and related agreements, collectively known as the Antarctic Treaty System - ATS, regulate international relations with respect to Antarctica, Earth's only continent without a native human population.The aim is the preservation of untouched natural beauty for posterity and scientific research. The population fluctuates from 5000 during the summer months to less than 1000 in winter and anyone can go there as a tourist). They simply ignore what the treaty is about and lie about it because the name of the treaty sounds credible.
8. They always claim that there are people “who have seen the great ice wall”, they know them yet not once they give any names, no links, no articles reviewed by scientific community, absolutely nothing to prove their claims.
9. They do not have the basic grasp of how scientific process works and what empirical evidence is. They do not even understand the basic meaning of the words "Science", "Theory", "Fact", "Evidence".
10. Another common claim to support their Flat Earth Theory is that there is no curvature to be seen on the eye level. (We are too small in relation to the surface of our planet to be able to see the curvature). They reject this explanation and every other logical and scientific fact because it contradicts their delusions.
They are harmless in itself. But when large groups of such incredibly blinded, delusional people are underestimated, they help equally blinded, delusional people to reach power and leadership of the governments and nations. Consequently, the first thing they attack is education and science. We have seen that through history and we see it in this day and age. Failed education systems produce mindless drones that will lie, ridicule, deny reason and science and use violence to support their ignorant and preposterous conspiracy theories. Their children will be indoctrinate into the same delusional mind-set and such kids when they grow up become dangerous to the Secular, Humanist societies, to Science and Knowledge. Such people burn books and end up burning people for "Heresy" and "Blasphemy".
We already lived through dark ages when people believed that the Earth is flat and all progressive free thinkers were either persecuted or even burned at the stake because they dared to speak against religious dogmas and one of those dogmatic and now also a conspiracy theory claim is that the Earth is flat and Flat Earthers defend this delusion with passion and I was just . . .
They still believe in such things either because they were religiously indoctrinated and brainwashed or because they are simply crack put nuts, small-minded with inferiority complex and they need to come up with some conspiracy theory to feel important because “they know something the rest of us don’t”.
Their state of mind is not even funny, because one cannot reason with people who reject any semblance of common sense, reason and science. They become extremely passive aggressive and violent when their illusions are being challenged.
I observed based on their reasoning skills and statements that such people suffer with “Cognitive Dissonance”, without exception and many most likely have “Schizophrenic Paranoia” or “Split Personality Disorder”. Mind you, “Flat Earth” delusion is just one of many these people can suffer from.
People will believe anything no matter how stupid, bat-shit crazy and illogical it is. If it makes them feel important or if they are suffering from certain mental conditions. (By the way, I am not ridiculing mental conditions, far from it. But those conditions often cause a huge variety of delusions, one of them is "Flat Earth" and related CIA conspiracy).
Till next time,