I have seen “The Hunger Games”. I have thought that first two movies were good. It was nothing Earth shattering and somewhat predictable. Jennifer Lawrence is a great upcoming actress and she did the best she could with the material she was given and I can relate to . . . .
In the end, what writer is "right up there". Speaking of The Hunger Games, I also have the said books. I still didn’t read them, I have too many books in line waiting to read, currently going through “Jason Bourne” series and I am writing the second book of my trilogy. The good thing about watching such movies and reading such books is to see what mistakes NOT to do when writing and it is a bitch not to fall into the trap of cliches.
For one, I have a strong female main character in my trilogy and I certainly will not make her to be a whinny little girl by the end of the third book. I mean, there is a time when you simply accept the situation, stop whining and do what you have to do.
“The Hunger Games”: the movie makers turned a strong lead character into a small, sniffling child, which is whining about the war and what is right and what is wrong in strictly military actions against military installations and targets. Really? After all “she” saw. (Or maybe it is just the soldier in me, which is to critical of such things).
I have seen so many missed opportunities where movie makers, directors and script writers totally butchered the source material. Most of them should never be let behind the camera ever again.
Don’t even get me started on the “history according to Hollywood”. Now that is what I call high end propaganda worthy of the Nazis and Goebbels - in short, he was a German “Rupert Murdoch” and he mastered propaganda. Same thing FOX News is doing today.
Movie makers think that most of their audience is stupid and they dumb down the movies, or they are just too lazy to do “Google search” to give a bit more authenticity to their movies. I have seen some great actors just going through the motions in many films, simply because the material they had to work with was utter cow dung with a pinch of horse shit.
I don’t know, maybe I am getting too grumpy or critical, or cynical as I approach the 40’s, but I became far more picky about the movies I watch and I am absolutely critical about the news I read or see, because I know most of it is bullshit and I certainly have no patience for stupidity and willful ignorance. Not in this day and age of internet and access to the information yet there are people who are ...
Till next time,