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Road Trips - I Love Them, what about you?

Road trips, love them. Ireland is a magical place just after a rain storm. You can see why it is called the green emerald as you step outside your apartment, get into the car and embark onto a new adventure of discovery.

Getting ready for seeing the sights and starting a road trip though is a whole separate adventure in itself. Gents, if you have a better, more beautiful half you know what I am talking about.

Every time I ever was planing to go somewhere with a member of the female persuasion this ensued:

She tells you, that she is ready. You are hoping for a miracle, that being that she in fact is ready.

Then you see that look on her face when she starts changing her mind about the clothes. She is changing her mind about the shoes. She always has to do something before the nice adventure starts. So you patiantely wait in the car as she is deciding what to wear.

Good thing I am used to wait from the army.

She finally returns from her quest wearing the same damn thing. I start the engine and we kind of decide where to go. Of course, because we are on the adventure, we need to use a map and she takes the map and starts planning the route.

Long story short, she always knows where to go and I do not and when we drive the longer way, we are taking the scenic route. We are never lost and we always know where we are.

However, if I point out that she kind of did not read the map right, I might as well walk home. Woman with a map is the same as an officer with a map. You are screwed and not in a nice way.

Till next time,

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is the ability to tell someone to

go to hell

in such a way that they look

forward to the trip.”


Winston S. Churchill

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